Semiconductor Materials Preparation

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            Almost all the equipment and tooling a little or a lot relies on electronic technology. Therefore, almost all aspects of human life is influenced by the use of semiconductor materials in electronic products. The use of semiconductors in various electronic equipment will increase with increasingly sophisticated electronic products. The most widely used semiconductor predicted by the computer industry (57%), communication equipment (17%), household electronic equipment (15%) and the remaining approximately 11% for other purposes, such as military equipment, automotive and industrial machinery. Research reactors are often equipped with various facilities, one of which is a facility for producing doped semiconductor materials. Making new materials with different structures from the original material can be done with the technique of neutron irradiation. Because the absorption of neutrons, then the stability of atomic nuclei become disturbed and raw materials will be transformed into other isotopes with different physical properties of elements from the original. This technique turned out to be used to produce semiconductor materials, especially the changing characteristics of silicon (Si) into pure silicon tercangkok with phosphorus (P) with a certain level, thus serves as an excellent semiconductor material. With neutron transmutation doping facility (neutron doping facility) in a nuclear reactor can be used to perform neutron irradiation on Si semiconductor sample that generally occur in nature with atomic number 30. Because the irradiation process is then very small portion of the nucleus 30Si will absorb neutrons and become radioactive nuclei 31Si, 31Si decays subsequently became 31p. With this technique can be obtained by neutron irradiation of semiconductor materials Si tercangkok P through nuclear reaction as follows:

30Si + 1n Æ [31Si]* —> 31P + b-

             In this modern century, the semiconductor is a very important component and is a major part of almost all electronic circuits. Semiconductor Si with P dopant is widely used for the manufacture of transistors, thyristors for high voltage and CCD video camera. Developed a new generation of electronic computers using the increasingly tiny microprocessors that are physically performed with a smaller size, but with a working speed which is much higher. Reniknya more electronic components are also demanding more and more pure semiconductor materials it uses. Neutron irradiation technology was able to meet these demands, even the best methods currently available for the manufacture of semiconductor materials with very high purity level.

             The development of electronics technology has brought order to switch from micro to nano, which means that electronic components will be made in the size of a thousand times smaller than the previous generation of microelectronics. Manufacturing process of semiconductor materials with neutron irradiation technique can be performed with excellent results, so that support towards the realization of nano-electronics technologies in the future. P dopant levels can be regulated by irradiation techniques appropriate timing. Electronic components such as transistors are usually very sensitive to pollution, eg, Si contamination during manufacturing. With neutron irradiation techniques, the presence of impurities, other impurities that are not desired in the production of components made from semiconductor can be avoided since before the irradiation process.

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